weight loss hypnosis Manchester

weight loss hypnosis Manchester

Perhaps your eating for taste, habit, hunger ? Looking at Chocolates, biscuits, chips, bacon, curry ? That’s ok in balance. Our treatments can help every part of your body and mind be healthier. Making it possible to still enjoy food, feeling more energetic with the body shape desired.

Is it normal to be apprehensive about hypnotherapy ? or is it better to remove any apprehension to discover better solutions for current problems which are still ongoing, presenting a risk to health or age or lifestyle. We help do this. Treatments are best performed in our clinic.

Appointments are best made 1 week in advance to ensure waiting times are avoided or for urgency contact us.

The British Medical Association acknowledged & approved the use of hypnotherapy as a valid medical treatment to improve health in 1955,understanding the effectiveness of it as discovered by “James Braid”, used by “Sigmund Freud”. A hypnotic trance is said to be “experienced by 99.9% of the world on a daily basis”, which can actually be seen. Health of all our clients is a priority as it effects our future business. The hypnotic trance entered occurs at the time of awakening i.e. the state of mind between ‘sleep’ and being ‘conscious’. This utlises a peaceful, restful state of total relaxation and heightened awareness of sounds, sights, feelings allowing healthier healing methods to be considered, then implanted by the body.

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